Which is great... except, you need detailed errors enabled for your site in order for Lucee to render its own error messages... which means any request for a static file, like a missing image ( or static non cfc /cfm ) will get handled directly by IIS... and show DETAILED errors... no good!
Just read in the Lucee forum the following from @bilal: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/lucee/error$20messages$20iis$20%7Csort:relevance/lucee/nSahG_wXzPk/Ck545qZbCwAJ
Step 0) Throw a 500 in Lucee. IIS will take over with a bland 500 error stripe message. Poop!
Step 1) Skip IIS Custom Errors
In C:\Windows\BonCodeAJP13.settings file, add 'SkipIISCustomErrors' ( See Tomcat Connector Docs for details )
<SkipIISCustomErrors>True</SkipIISCustomErrors> This will let you control status codes other than 200 with custom messages from Lucee. IIS will still be able to use the standard 404-custom error page for non-cfm related error handling, e.g. when a non-existing image file is requested etc.
Step 2) Set IIS errors to return "Custom Error Pages"
Step 3) Throw a 500 in Lucee. You should see your error ( And you should render it properly for security )